Monday, 21 May 2012

Article #5 - Ignore Him or Stress

100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You
René Delain – Relationship Coach

  #5 – Ignore Him or Stress

So what makes you think you can change a habit of a lifetime?

Annoying traits a partner has can contribute to major negative emotions and cause great stress to you.  Though this is an unconscious action, it can, when pointed out cause great embarrassment and defensiveness.  It can also lead your partner to discount all the positives about the relationship.  

Ignore habits

Only you can assess what annoying or infuriating habit you can deal with.  If it’s very extreme then maybe this relationship isn’t for you.  Though something like leaving the toilet seat up or bad eating habits may be perceived as a simple matter, point out in a delicate way that its not nice to be on the receiving end, because if you nag and annoy him about it he may deliberately do it to infuriate you.  Also, ignoring his irritating habits, except giving occasional praise about him refraining from the particular habit may eventually entice him to make the effort to stop.  Don’t make it your mission to get him to conform as he has to want to change for his own reason.

Ignore him

Always being available will mean that you may be taken for granted and generally not fully appreciated by your man. Yes you want to spend time with him but always being available at the end of the phone or meeting him when he decides he wants you does not give him the chance to continue to desire you. I am not saying stop doing all the things you did whilst courting. But if you feel he isn’t paying you appropriate attention as he may be engrossed in his own interests or appear irritated by your presence then get out of his radar and focus on yourself.  Also if you continue to pursue your own interests (even if you are in the same space) and not include him all the time he is likely to wonder why and also think of ways to grab your attention.

Ignore criticism 

Though you may not experience adoration everyday being criticised by your partner can make you feel terrible. The first thing to remember is that you may not be the cause.  As you are the closest person to him unfortunately you are the one receiving the backlash from other issues that may be troubling him.  This may be his learned behaviour of dealing with i.e. stress about finances or work and any other insecurity about areas of his life.   The problem is him and if you can highlight to him that he offended you and ask if he wishes to discuss what’s really troubling him, he may be more conscious of unintentionally criticising you in the future.

Ignore and progress

Focussing on the negatives of the relationship will breed resentment in you and you won’t be able to appreciate the positives that have developed your good relationship.  Concentrate on being loving and supportive regardless of his manners but don’t be a doormat.

His habits have been with him for a long time and so can be hard to break.  Remember they are not a reflection on you so don’t internalise them and make them an issue.  Where possible. Ignore it.

Rene Delain, Relationship Coach has created a serious of articles titled ‘100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You’.
You can find Rene on Facebook: Relationship Coach - Rene Delain Linkedin and Twitter: @ReneDelain
Or for coaching email 

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