Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Article #4 - Be Generous With Your Trust


100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You 

René Delain – Relationship Coach

 Published fortnightly
 # 4 – Be Generous With Your Trust
‘Clinging to him and ringing him every half hour is likely to make him run away, rather than run to you’. 
Initially when you and your partner meet there is a lot of desire, you both want to be with each other all the time, and you each know the whereabouts of the other person because you can’t wait to connect again.  But as routines settle and the reality of everyday life becomes evident, being accountable for every move can become a bit suffocating and put a strain on the relationship.
Questions, questions
If you find yourself constantly questioning his whereabouts, then the question you really should be asking is about yourself and your own possible insecurities.  Why do I need to know?  What is it I am trying of finding out?  What is it about me that is fuelling my behaviour?
Men and phone calls

Men don’t usually talk and gossip about trivialities on the phone like some women.  They use the phone as a means of finding out, negotiating or delivering information.  When you feel the need to contact him ask yourself, ‘how will he receive this call?’  ‘Is it the right time?’ Remember, if your man is more practically minded he will often expect a constructive reason for you calling him.  I am not saying that it is not okay to connect but be considerate.  He may be busy.  If you really feel the need to pick up the phone for a chat, you may be better received if you ring a girlfriend.
Loving yourself
Being in love can be fabulous and if you are comfortable with yourself then your partner will feel settled.  He chose you and wants to be with you, he won’t start to question his decision if he starts to feel stressed and made accountable for his moves.  Do things that you enjoy and be responsible for your own fulfilment so that when you connect with your partner it will be a bonus.
René Delain, Relationship Coach has created a series of articles titled ‘100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You’.  Published fortnightly.  Past articles can be found on her blog at www.renedelain.blogspot.com.
You can also find René on Facebook: Relationship Coach - Rene Delain https://www.facebook.com/datingandrelationshipminefieldand Twitter: @ReneDelain

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