Monday, 16 April 2012

Article #3 - For Appearance Sake

100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You
René Delain – Relationship Coach

Published fortnightly. 

#3 – For Appearance Sake

Stock images
‘Be the Trophy Worth Having’ - "Why go out for a hamburger when you have steak at home?” Paul Newman.  

Society, culture and environment influence greatly what is perceived as the ‘norm’ when it comes to appearances.   This programs most men that they must have an attractive woman. It builds their ego looking good to their peers, giving them a sense of power. From a very early age they work hard to fit social stereotypes so that when they have succeeded in their ‘mission’ they feel worthy to claim that prized woman. Women have also, consciously or unconsciously, been in training all their lives to have the qualities worthy of the best suitor.

Comfort vs. Charisma

Think about how you looked when your man first met you.  Has this changed?  Do you make the effort to look like that again or can you surprise him by improving? As he gets to know you better will your everyday appearance matter less as he has got to know your ‘inner beauty’?  Will your good qualities like personality, interests, security shine through?   Or if you develop a continuous ‘comfortable’ look, are his eyes likely to start to wander, be distracted from the reason he is with you.

Whilst you are making the effort to strengthen your relationship you should not let your standards of appearance drop.  If you feel your man needs to tidy himself up or exercise, let him know in a subtle way.  Rather than telling him directly which he may take offence to, you can ‘catch him doing good’ and praise him for going for that run or even tell him how sexy he looks in that outfit.  Men also have insecurities about their appearance and positive reinforcement like this will motivate him to continue to make the effort to look good.

Public Perception

Television and media have a great influence on what is considered to be a good look.  When your man came looking for you he was seeking a certain criteria ‘his look’, so respect his desire to continue to have the picture that he envisaged as his woman, within reason.

Surprisingly, men are generally more sensitive to what other people think of their partner than women are. This can come across to you as him having ‘double standards’ which unfortunately is a powerful element of the male competitive nature.  You may have used that little sexy revealing dress to initially catch his eye, but now that you are together he wants you to be ‘admired’ but not ‘lusted’ after (keep that for the bedroom).  Also how you conduct yourself, mannerisms and self-respect count.  Keep him up to date with the latest fashion and be assertive but not aggressive in upholding your right to look good for him.
Men rarely share intimate details to the level that women do, they absolutely fear public exposure of perceived weakness.  It would be a huge understatement to say he won’t appreciate it if you let slip personal details that only both of you share, e.g. discussing his embarrassing medical condition, or discussing his finances in public.  Remember he probably hasn’t mastered the art, like most women have, of expressing personal feelings; and acting accordingly.  By being aware, it will help you avoid the shock and upset you will both feel when he reacts badly to certain public displays. 

Way Forward

Now there will always be a woman out there that will look good and attract your man’s eye, it’s only natural.  What you have to nurture is the personal security you get from knowing how your ‘look’ arouses your man.  And use your inside knowledge of him to make sure it doesn’t matter if he does look at her, as he will always prefer you.

In the end the main priority is you wanting to look after your appearance for yourself.  No one has the ability to look fabulous all the time but you can find a happy medium and be appropriate most of the time and irresistible when the occasion requires it.   Feel confident in your appearance, your man will sense this and in turn this confidence will project in to other areas of your relationship making your life together more secure and happy. 

Your man has worked extremely hard to be worthy of you ‘his trophy’, but remember he is now also your prize so don’t let him get away. 

Be Fabulous  x

René Delain, Relationship Coach has created a series of articles titled ‘100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You’.  Published fortnightly.  
You can also find René on Facebook: Relationship Coach - Rene Delain and Twitter: @ReneDelain

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Article #2 - Play Together, Be Together

100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You
René Delain – Relationship Coach

Series published fortnightly. 


#2 – Play Together, Be Together

‘Quick!  Implant yourself into the pleasure and gratifying section of your man’s brain, before technology grabs it.’ 

Life can be quite stressful for the average couple at times, with pressures of daily life such as work, finance, time, and establishing yourself in life at a point you want to be at. Having the ability to take time out and ease the pressure can be a great aid to enhancing wellbeing and building chemistry. Find something that both of you do at least once a fortnight, it may be a sport, join a club or even train- spotting.  Be open to the idea of taking up a new hobby that you previously had no interest in.

Great Team Mates

When two or more people spend time together a natural bond or interpersonal relationship develops, e.g. people on a team, club and family. This is supported by a feeling of positive well-being and security when a certain person is present. Encourage him to teach you about his interest like how to play a sport. Alternately, you could ask if he’d suggest a new activity, it will enhance his masculinity if he is in charge of events. If it’s an activity that you will possibly feel bored about, become creative and make it into an occasion, bring a picnic or even a manual so that you can identify and research areas of interest. He will be grateful that you are engaged.

Give Him Space

Sometimes men and women need ‘nothingness’ in their lives, no deadlines, activities, work; it helps to recharge the body and mind. When you have learned to recognise that your man is in this mode ‘Leave him alone’. Also as your guy becomes more attached to you he may start to question his feelings and put up barriers, becoming ‘emotionally detached’. When this happens try not to push him to interact, give him space to sort out his thoughts, but occasionally just let him know you are there, without overcrowding him; this in turn will show him that you understand him, enable him to relax and he should in turn recognise how good you are for him.


Developing and nurturing that bond you have with your man will create a pleasure tag in your man’s mind that triggers a feeling of security. Men’s brains appeal to the ‘techno’ aspect of activities whereas women just like the togetherness. If you are able to create the right balance, you will make a ‘great team’ and life for the both of you should provide the fulfilment that you both desire.

Happy Playing  x

Next article arriving in a fortnight is ‘#3 – ‘For Appearance Sake’

Rene Delain, Relationship Coach has created a serious of articles titled ‘100 Ways To Make Sure Your Man Will Never Leave You’.  Published fortnightly.  
You can also find Rene on Facebook: Relationship Coach - Rene Delain and Twitter: @ReneDelain!/ReneDelain